http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCwQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ons.gov.uk%2Fons%2Frel%2Fpopulation-trends-rd%2Fpopulation-trends%2Fno--145--autumn-2011%2Fard-pt145-cohab-marriage-trends.pdf&ei=1l_5UZDDI8Or0QX6kIGADw&usg=AFQjCNEuU6855JZRVliKZQ1dRlmj1AASiA&sig2=ObwIaawl14ja3jDJcCB0UQ&bvm=bv.49967636,d.d2kAbove is a link to the report 'Cohabitation and marriage in Britain since the 1970s' by Éva Beaujouan and Máire Ní Bhrolcháin of the ESPC Centre for Population Change, University of Southhamption (2011). The data has been sources from a consistent set of retrospective histories from the General Household Survey 1979-2007.
There were fewer than one in a hundred adults under 50 estimated to be cohabiting at any one time in Britain during the early 1960s. (Murphy M. 2000. 'The evolution of cohabitation in Britain, 1960-95.' Population Studies 54: 43-56)
Percentage of marriages preceded by premarital cohabitation, by age at and year of marriage, and sex. Great Britain, GHS 1979-2007:
Sourced: Beaujouan E. and Ní Bhrolcháin. 2011. 'Cohabitation and marriage in Britain since 1970s.' |