Planning and evaluating your Project (taught session)

Key objectives:

  1. To understand the importance of planning and working to a plan in the EPQ
  2. To understand the importance of evaluating your work according to your plan (meeting assessment objective 1)
  3. To begin developing a project plan 

 Look at assessment objective on page 29

AO3- 40% (realisation of the project) therefore 9990 form worth 60% of grade

   All about planning work really carefully
   Stage 4: plan of work (Read chapter on managing your project):
   Set project aims with focused question or title
   Develop objectives (specific actions) that will help achieve aims/ answer question- actually complete task
   Make sure you have the resources needed to complete objective
   Assess the length of time each activity- create a timeline
   How to manage time:
   Timetables? Allot how much time you want to spend + what you actually want to do
   To do lists? Strategy/ pan of action
   Use Gannt Chart
   Plan out aims- i.e. make notes from specific source
   Read page 37- making the most of your journal