Differential uptake of Pill by class


Dr Marks in her book- "Sexual Chemistry: the history of the contraceptive book" (2001) cites the work of K. Fisher- "An oral history of birth control practise c. 1925-50." Due to the fact that I am not an academic in a university I do not have access to some literature. My report is therefore limited by the availability of some resources which affects the amount of data I can collect. 

Using the information presented by Marks and the abstract of the Fisher paper I found that:

Many British working class women preferred male contraceptive methods like the condom and coitus interrupts  precisely because it freed them from responsibility for contraception, maintaining a sense of passivity. 

This is reflected in the delayed adoption of the Pill among British working class women....

I found the source useful as it provided information on a specific class' attitude towards oral contraception which isn't found in many sources. It would have been better, however, if I could have had access to the whole report instead of relying on what was cited in Mark's book.