Preparation for presentation

I decided my presentation would consist of a powerpiont, and visual aids.

Visual aids:
  • Dr Marks book- vital for my research and helped me both with content and bibliography which pointed out further sources I could use. 
  • Sexing the millennium book which was useful in looking at the sexual revolution and made direct references to the impact of the Pill in the empowerment of women
  • Silvia Pezzini article, another example of research this one more statistics based- useful to show how I found data then adapted it for my own purposes. 
The powerpiont show would be split up into:
  1. Reasons why I chose the title:
    • a combination of history and feminism 
    • an in-depth study of social change in the 20th century- not covered by current syllabus 
    • a chance to learn how to interpret statistical data
  2. Context:
    • arrival of pill in 1961- only available to married women until 1964
    • the NHS introduce free contraception in 1974 driving pill usage to quadruple in the next 5 years 
  3. Research:
    • show variety of sources- including the visual aids 
    • specifically mention Dr Mark's book 
    • mention official papers, reports and demographic data 
    • economic, sociological and medical journals
    • newspaper articles 
  4. Interpreting statistics:
    • specific mention to data bank in excel with statistics on:
      • patterns of contraception use (include example figure)
      • gender split in students obtaining undergraduate degrees
      • trends in economic activity in the UK
      • family size 
  5. Development:
    • How I split the report into 5 strands:
      1. A woman's ability to control her own fertility
      2. The impact of delaying conception on women's choices
      3. Family structure: lone parents households and cohabitation 
      4. The psychological impact 
      5. The effect of class
  6. Conclusions: 
    • The pill had a major impact on women's lives in the UK- powering significant social change
    • the ability to delay conception ensured that over the last 30 years women have had fewer children, studied longer, worked more and earned a higher wage 
  7. Evaluation:
    • I was pleased with:
      • amount of academic literature I managed to get through 
      • contacting Dr Marks
    • I was dis-pleased with:
      • i wish i could change the title 
      • more time aware 
TO DO: annotate powerpoint slides so can speak during the presentation